Highlander's Rebellious Love

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Book: Read Highlander's Rebellious Love for Free Online
Authors: Donna Fletcher
Tags: Adult, Historical Romance, Highlanders
senseless... damn him. She had been kissed before, at least she had thought she had, but Hunter’s kiss made her realize that she had never known a true kiss. His lips were in full control and his tongue, good lord, but his tongue worked magic. He had brought her whole body alive with a kiss, and it was responding like never before. Her nipples perked up, her stomach fluttered, and a tingle settled between her legs, turning her wet.
    As fast as he had captured her lips in a kiss was how fast he ended it, leaving her wanting so much more.
    He grabbed her face in his hands. “I have been aching to do that since I first laid eyes on you. I knew you would taste exquisite. You are a warrior woman whose passion runs deep in everything that she does, and there are not many men who could satisfy you. But I will.” He brushed his lips over hers. “I will always satisfy you, always be there for you, and always protect you when you cannot protect yourself.”
    Patience’s breath caught and she feared for a moment she would not be able to breathe. He had released something in her that she worried she would never be able to tame, or did she worry that only he would be able to tame it?
    She stepped away from him and that he let her was not lost on her. She had felt his strength and knew if he had wanted to stop her he could, though her blade would have objected. And she supposed that was what made her curious. Here was a man who possibly had the strength to best her and yet he made no effort to do so.
    She shook her head, trying to regain her senses and asked, “Tell me what goes on here.”
    The heated passion in his eyes faded, though lingered, but then Patience did not think there was a time passion did not shine bright in Hunter’s eyes.
    Hunter responded to her demand without hesitation. “The Clan McDolan, Saundra’s father, has encouraged Greer to challenge the Clan Macinnes and its claim on the land around here. Hew McDolan has also encouraged him to engage other clans who are less than favorable to your father. He has amassed quite an army and while it is doubtful he could win completely, he could cost you loss of life and land. And believe me when I tell you that Greer will sacrifice endless men, women, and children to get what he wants.”
    “My father has allies in the area that could stop him,” Patience said but not with as much confidence as she would have liked.
    “You are too beautiful to die,” Hunter said.
    For a moment Patience thought him sincere, then she shook her head at the insane thought and said, “Do not bother to spew your nonsense on me.”
    “I speak the truth,” Hunter insisted. “You and your men would be slaughtered before help could reach you. Greer has warriors waiting to attack you and he is growing ever more impatient to give the signal.”
    Patience turned away from him, taking a moment to think. Her father had at least one strong ally nearby who she could count on to help. He could be here before Greer was aware she had summoned him. And while Greer was a mean-tempered man, he did not strike her as foolish when it came to battle. He fought to win and he would not be so eager to enter a melee that could prove disastrous for him.
    She turned quickly. “What are you not telling me?”
    “You are perceptive,” Hunter said with a hint of admiration.
    “I am also impatient.”
    “So you do not live up to your lovely name?”
    “No, but I do live up to my reputation with a dagger, which you will find out shortly if you do not answer me,” she warned.
    “ Mo chridhe , you not only threaten me, but your own pleasure if you think to cut off my—”
    “Enough of you prattling that serves only to distract from my question,” she said, shoving a shaking finger in his face. “Now answer me.”
    “Damn if your anger does not turn me hard,” he said his eyes lighting with a sensuous fire. “I cannot wait to bed you.”
    “You have a long wait in front of you.” Her dagger was out of

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