
Read Heritage for Free Online Page B

Book: Read Heritage for Free Online
Authors: Rebecca Walton
reappeared an inch from me, his hot breath on my face angered me more.  He was too close for comfort, and it made me feel sick. He let out a sigh, and his breath brushed my face.
    “You are a charming young thing aren’t you,” He smirked. My stomach started to churn as the thought of him made me want to vomit. I let out a laugh and kneed him in his groin. Smirking I lifted his chin with the gun as he cowered on the ground. Checking around me, as I had thought, Alex had dealt with the other demons and was now standing over Josh.
    “Not so funny now is it,” I sneered.
    “You know you’re going to lose everything and everyone that ever meant anything to you!” He threatened.
    “You're, not in the right situation to be making threats arsehole,” I taunted pushing the gun into his forehead. He smirked and I felt someone behind me, turning too slowly, she knocked the gun out of my hand. Head butting me, I fell to the ground, as she grasped my head in her hands. Tutting, Lorias knelt down in front of me.
    “You know you are not as smart as you look,” He jeered. “Nor are your friends,” He gestured to Alex who had yet again been caught by a demon.
    “If your mother could see you now.”
    “SILENCE! Lorias ,” I heard him shout, but I couldn’t see where he was. He appeared from the shadows, and I could see all the demons apart from the ones holding us hostage, were bowing to him. I couldn’t make out what he looked like as he made his way towards the opening in the alley.  I saw his eyes first, they were a piercing dark blue, and as he approached us I could see that he was gorgeous. Most demons were decent looking it was part of their charm so that they were more attractive to humans, but this one was different. Trying to take my gaze from him I glanced at Alex who seemed to be too concerned about her brother to have noticed the new arrival.
    He put a hand on Lorias shoulder and separated us, from the closeness of us I could feel my heart beating overtime. He ran his hand through his dark brown hair and continued to walk Lorias to his seating place.
    “Let her go Lexis.” As he spoke he looked at me, and I could have sworn I saw a glint of amusement in his eyes.
    “Let her go?” Lexis questioned pulling my head.
    “Did I stutter!” He yelled making her jump. She released her grip on me, and I shot up and straightened myself out. He turned to Lorias and began to whisper in his ear. I listened carefully, but they were speaking so quietly that not even my extra hearing could pick up anything. Whilst they were talking, I managed to kick one of the demons behind me before fly kicking another, knocking him into the wall behind me. Racing to Alex, who had managed to break free whilst the demons had been distracted by me. We both ran to Josh and grasped an arm each.
    “Elle you have to get us out of here,” She gasped. I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath. I felt the wind circle around us and opened my eyes to see that we had orbed back to Gracia. I let out a sigh of relief as Alex burst into sobs bending over Josh’s body. Bending down beside her, I checked his pulse and other injuries.
    “He’s fine Alex, he’s just been knocked out,” I explained, trying to console her as she leaned over him.
    “Get off you twit!” Josh whispered as he began to stir under us. He sat up and groaned as the movement hurt his head.
    “Where are we?” He asked as he stood up and rubbed his head.  I didn’t have a clue where we were, I just knew that we were somewhere in Gracia as that was what I was thinking of when I orbed.  We were standing in a park with over grown roses and a pond filled with frogs and ducks. It was beautiful, each side of the path we were standing on were over grown flowers from roses to sunflowers.  The sun was blazing above our heads, I had to shield my eyes as I watched a flock of geese fly above.
    “Maybe we should just follow the path around and see where it leads,”

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