Forever Lovers

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Book: Read Forever Lovers for Free Online
Authors: Suellen Smith
Tags: Romance, Action, Western, Military, Dogs, cowboy, country
thinking about an
extravaganza of a birthday party since they had turned eighteen. It
would be lavish and flowing with champagne in abundance. They
promised to have small weddings with only intimate friends and
family for their last hooray and send-off as brides if only Dad
would let them have this party for their twenty-first.
Besides, one birthday party was cheaper than two, they pleaded
their case, as they'd always had two birthday parties on the same
day with two separate cakes helping them preserve and separate
their own identities. Fortunately, their lovable Daddy had always
enjoyed indulging them and loved making his adored girls happy.
Fortunately, as well, they had a mom that kept them grounded.
    The theme of the birthday extravaganza was
going to be L.A.Confidential taken from a Hollywood movie
made a few years ago and set in the forties. Since their birthdays
were after Christmas and before New Year's Eve, they decided that
it was going to be a celebration into the New Year as well.
Everyone was to come dressed as their favorite movie star of the
forties era. If they didn't, they didn't get into the party.
    The birthday bash took place in a beach hotel
ballroom with elegant chandeliers and high ceilings. It looked out
over the Pacific. It had the perfect atmosphere for the party with
all the ambiance of a Hollywood set.
    The twins decided to transform themselves
into Jean Harlow and Betty Gable complete with the sexy dresses,
glamorous hairdos, and silk stockings. Lily with her dark red hair
went as Rita Hayworth. They were all three perfect imitations of
the forties sex bombshells with their well-proportioned figures and
beautiful youthful faces. The girls changed their natural blond and
red hairdos into up sweeps and partially down fluffs. They painted
their nails and toes a bright red to match their red lipstick. All
three wore long slinky gowns called slip dresses – the rage of the
era and worn often in present day – sexy then and sexy now.
    Confetti rained as the band blasted swing
music with the Hi De Ho man, Cab Calloway imitator, dressed in
white tux complete with white tails, vest, shirt, tie, and shoes
bringing down the house with Hidy Hidy Ho followed by Minnie the Moocher. Colored tinsel dripped from the
chandeliers. Everyone danced and jived as the champagne flowed. The
party continued way past midnight and well into the morning. Two
floors of hotel rooms were reserved – one for the guys and one for
the girls not that anyone could tell which was which, with the
purpose that those who imbibed excessively would not be driving
home and end up in the ocean.
    Dad Troy dressed as a bouncer in a night
club, but he fooled no one as they all knew he was really the
Chaperon Dad who was there mainly to make sure they didn't destroy
the place. The twins were counting on Mom to make sure Dad didn't
do anything to embarrass them. He did pretty well considering. The
only comment he made drily and with no humor when everyone was gone
was, “I'm planning the next one.”
    Quinn knew Lily was coming to the twin's
birthday bash as she was staying at their home and had been there
for a week helping plan the festivities as their other sister. He
had his own room with a balcony at the hotel away from the other
rowdy guests. He was in the process of putting on a white dashing
dinner jacket over his wide shoulders bulging with muscle and black
tuxedo silk pants over his well-defined thighs. He had just
finished slicking down his coal black hair with the look of the
forties, making him look a lot like Tyrone Powers, a movie star of
that era. His shirt was a pleated tux shirt with a wing tip collar
that he was threading with the last touches of a black silk bow
tie. It was complete with French cuffs and onyx cufflinks. When he
was finished, he looked like he could step onto a movie set as all
the females swooned the moment they saw him. He dressed early so
that he could help his dad chaperon if necessary.
    All the twin's

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