Ellora's Cavemen: Tales from the Temple II

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Book: Read Ellora's Cavemen: Tales from the Temple II for Free Online
Authors: Various
Tags: Anthology
rising and a menacing rumble rising up from him. He slowly stalked her father, who stumbled back in his haste to get away and fell.
    “I mean it.” Analeen took a step toward him. “You don’t take anything from the house. You never see my sisters, or me, ever again. If you don’t leave now, I’ll let Law tear into you like he did those two.”
    When her father hesitated, Law rushed him. The man scrambled to his feet and ran as fast as he could, his fat jiggling over his belt. He stumbled and fell a couple of times, but soon he was completely out of sight.
    Analeen knelt beside her wolf and hugged him tight.
    She could see in his mind how they would guard and help her sisters—and how if her father dared to return, he would learn the true ways of the wolves—how the pack protects its own.
    And this wolf was hers. Hers alone. He always would be.


    About the author:

    Cheyenne McCray is a thirty-something wild thing at heart, with a passion for sensual romance and a happily-ever-after...but always with a twist. A University of Arizona alumnus, Chey has been writing ever since she can remember, back to her kindergarten days when she penned her first poem. She always knew that one day she would write novels, and with her love of fantasy and romance, combined with her passionate nature, erotic romance is a perfect genre for her. In addition to her adult work, Chey is also published in young adult literary fiction under another name. Chey enjoys spending time with her husband and three sons, traveling, working out at the health club, playing racquetball, and of course writing, writing, writing.

    Cheyenne welcomes mail from readers. You can write to her c/o Ellora’s Cave Publishing at 1337 Commerce Drive, Suite 13, Stow, OH 44224.

    Also by Cheyenne McCray:

    Erotic Invitation
    Blackstar: Future Knight
    Seraphine Chronicles 1: Forbidden
    Seraphine Chronicles 2: Bewitched
    Seraphine Chronicles 3: Spellbound
    Seraphine Chronicles 4: Untamed
    Things That Go Bump In the Night 3 – with Mlyn Hurn & Stephanie Burke Vampire Dreams – with Annie Windsor
    Wild 1: Wildfire
    Wild 2: Wildcat
    Wild 3: Wildcard
    Wild 4: Wild Borders
    Wonderland 1: King of Hearts
    Wonderland 2: King of Spades
    Wonderland 3: King of Diamonds
    Wonderland 4: King of Clubs

    Anya Bast

    Anya Bast

Chapter One
    “He’s a drunk,” Cerian said under her breath. “The only hope for our people is that , down there.” She gestured toward the dark-haired, broad-shouldered man sitting in the tavern below them. “A star-cursed, drunken, outlander Vampir.” She swung her head to gaze at Lympia with disbelief shining in her eyes.
    “You don’t know for certain he’s drunk,” said Lympia. She batted her blue eyes there were fringed with light pink lashes.
    A loud crash jerked Cerian’s focus back to Rhys ap Griffyn. He’d toppled the table over in front of him, sending his tankard rolling across the wooden floor and sloshing the potent spirit it formerly contained all over his neighbor—a very large Ystani warrior. Now the cursed Vampir roared at everyone around him, yelling in some foreign language at the top of his very powerful lungs.
    Cerian gripped the edge of the window set into the tavern’s slanted roof and stared down in disbelief. They’d crawled up here so they wouldn’t have to enter the packed tavern to get a clear preview of the man sent to save their people. She squeezed her eyes shut on the spectacle below. The knot in her stomach grew tighter by the moment.
    “Well, at least he’s a good-looking , star-cursed, drunken, outlander Vampir,” offered Lympia with a weak smile.
    Low, angry voices had Cerian staring below again. The Ystani warrior had taken issue with the spirit now soaking her mottled leather tunic. She rose to her full seven feet of finely honed muscle and hissed at the Vampir, baring dark red teeth. Cerian could almost smell the warrior’s fetid breath. Rhys ap Griffyn was getting a whole face

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