Don't Lie to Me

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Book: Read Don't Lie to Me for Free Online
Authors: Stacey Lynn
they were my favorite caramel apple flavored ones that came from the bakery near Jack’s building.
    “Mr. McMillan asked me to deliver these to you. Said he hoped they make you feel better.” He arched an eyebrow in question as to what that could mean, but I didn’t tell him.
    My stomach soured at the reason behind the cupcakes. Was he still feeling guilty for the kiss and trying to placate me with cupcakes? Or was he concerned about the hangover he probably knew I would have?
    Either way, the cupcakes were sure to be delicious, but now I wasn’t sure if I wanted them. I thought about telling Shane to take them back, but that would raise questions and it certainly wasn’t in line with our agreement of forgetting everything, so I thanked him and told him I would see him tomorrow.
    “Hey Logan!” I called to my son who was still in his room, probably trying to teach himself how to tie his own shoes. “Mr. Jack brought you cupcakes!”
    The easiest solution was to let Logan have both. He loved it when Jack spoiled him silly with delicious cupcakes and brownies from the gourmet bakery and he wouldn’t look at them wondering what receiving them meant, much like I was still doing.
    Logan ran out of his room, shoes untied and on the wrong feet. It didn’t seem to slow him down any as he ran right up to me and took the bag from my hands before digging into it at the table.
    “These are your favorite, mom.” He voice came out muffled, his mouth full of yummy goodness.
    “I know. But you can have them both today.”
    “You’re sharing with me?” He asked in between bites, a large smile on his small little face.
    “Yup. But just this once.” I pointed a finger at him and winked. “Don’t expect it to happen again, okay?”
    Within five minutes, he had inhaled both cupcakes, I had fixed and tied his shoes, and we were in my car on the way to the zoo. Maybe watching Logan enamored with the monkeys would take my mind off my weekend.

    I was a complete moron to think it would be easy to ignore Jack and the kiss that never should have happened. After I dropped off Logan at preschool on Monday, I hurried over to Jack’s condo to start cleaning and do the grocery shopping for the week.
    When I arrived, he stayed in the doorway of the kitchen the entire time while he dictated to me everything he needed done for the week. He showed absolutely no sign of the friendliness we had always exchanged. Instead, he sounded frustrated the entire time, with his shortly clipped demands and one word answers to my questions.
    I’m not even sure he looked at me…just sort of, through me. Or at a blank spot on the wall just to the left of me.
    Monday night and the rest of the week weren’t any different. I bit my lip to keep from snapping at him and answered every request with the same simple “Sure, Jack” or “Yes, Jack” that I always did.
    Every conversation left me tenser than the one before, wondering when one of us would crack and just bring up the stupid kiss so we could move on, or worse, wondering if he would decide he could no longer work with me.
    Thursday rolled around and I was cleaning his master bathroom, which was always surprisingly clean considering a male bachelor lived there. Jack was meticulous with everything he did in his life. Surely his grooming habits would be no different. I shouldn’t have been surprised, but I always was.
    I finished scrubbing the toilet and removed my yellow plastic gloves, when my phone pinged alerting me to a text message. It was Macy.
    FYI; Jack left work in a rotten mood. Said he was going home. Thought you’d want the heads up.
    I typed back a thanks for the warning message, snapped my phone shut and put it back in my pocket before picking up the cleaning supplies, wondering what he could possibly be in such a rotten mood about now.
    It wasn’t long before the front door slammed open. I jumped in the kitchen when I heard it crash into the wall behind it and then

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