
Read Discretion for Free Online Page A

Book: Read Discretion for Free Online
Authors: David Balzarini
Tags: Mystery
me, concern written clearly over her face. “You look a little…”
    “Off?” I say, as the only word I can get out. I lean toward her and my elbows rest on my knees; my hands hold the sides of my face.
    “Uh, yeah. Getting a little sick? The water is kinda choppy here.”
    Now is the moment. Her breasts are close to your hands. Just a gentle touch and watch what she does.
    “What kind of angel are you?” I blurt.
    Natalie sits back, surprised and wearing an embarrassed grin. “What kind of angel am I?”
    “Did I just say that out loud?” I watch her reaction, realizing I just said what should have been private.
    “Yeah, you did.” She breaks out laughing. “Do you need to take that back?”
    “Well…no…that question…was…”
    “It’s all right, Colin, really.” She leans over and gives me a kiss, her hand holding my face. “And I’m your angel, by the way.” Her hands take residence on my shoulders. Her face is an inch from mine; her body, still dripping wet, is temptingly close. With my father asleep, the world of opportunity presents itself. And with very little clothing to remove, there is no time like the present.
    Enjoy her.
    This doesn’t feel right. I want it, but…am I supposed to? Christel wants me to give in to my desire, yet this feels against my better judgment and I know it’s against Natalie’s wishes, our rules. We are flirting with disaster. We’ve been here before and decided it was best nothing happened.
    I only want you to be happy. To set you free. I know you want her. No need to deny yourself. She wants it too.
    I pretend she’s not talking to me. Natalie rests her head on my shoulder and remains still. We hold each other in silence, wanting so much more but knowing we shouldn’t.
    She is intended for you. Your soul mate. Experience her beauty.
    I sigh heavily and my hands touch Natalie’s arms; goose bumps form along them. “Are you cold?”
    “No.” She sits up, takes my hand and places it at her neck. “Feel that?” Her pulse is racing like she’s sprinting.
    “Wow…” I say, so quietly it’s nearly to myself.
    “Yeah…” Her laugh is anxious.
Is she hearing a voice like I am? Is she being teased in the same way?
    I look Natalie in the eyes. “I won’t, because I shouldn’t.”
    Her lip trembles a little, and she nods. “I need to dry off, I think.” She stands and wraps a towel around herself and returns to her seat, then places her feet in my lap. She playfully smiles and wiggles her bright pink toes. “Continue.”
    I relax and resume rubbing her feet, but the thoughts of what might have been linger. Did I do the right thing?
    I push the question aside and focus on Natalie. The rest of the afternoon is beautiful. I have no insight to Natalie’s thoughts, which I find odd, and miss hearing. Christel is a trusted friend and guide; I didn’t realize how much I would miss her directing, reassuring words. But now that she’s silent, I’m distracted by her absence.
    Natalie and I talk for a while about nothing in particular and laugh a lot at each other. Her feet are comfortable in my lap and the boat gently rocks us back and forth. With the sun starting its descent and the lake population still in full swing, I nod off for a nap.
    My father wakes me suddenly. Minutes had to have gone by in my short catnap. Can’t be much longer. Yet it’s dark out. Wasn’t the sun still up when I fell asleep?
It’s been hours, maybe two? Three? My neck hurts to move and my back is a little stiff. Limbs resist movement. A towel is over me that I don’t remember putting on. My father is rattled; his words slur together and don’t make sense.
    Lights from our boat shine in my father’s face. The surface is well-lit, as well as the nearby water, for about five feet, from the lighting we’ve used in past for a nighttime swim. The few remaining Neighbor boats are lit up also.
    Something is wrong. He’s staring at me, looking into my eyes as if he’s

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