Dirty Little Secrets

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Book: Read Dirty Little Secrets for Free Online
Authors: Joy King
     The last thing I wanted was a whole bunch of girlfriend drama. I’ve never liked drama, and to this day I still don’t. I run
     from unwanted drama.
    After I could no longer duck Chandler in school, we had one last conversation. Well, it was more like she talked and I listened.
     After cornering me at my locker, she said bitterly, “I know you’re fucking Trey, but now he’s all yours. I refuse to share
     my man with some snotty Lolita who doesn’t know how to keep her legs closed.” With a devilish grin spread across her flawless
     face, she added, “By the way, I told Trey how old you really are. Tootles, bitch.” As she turned her back to walk away, she
     tossed her long black hair in my face and sashayed down the hallway like she owned the place.
    When I got home, Trey called and asked if he could come over to talk. I wasn’t in the mood but agreed. The first question
     he asked as we sat on my bed was, “Why didn’t you tell me how old you were?”
    “Because you didn’t ask.”
    “I assumed that since you were at a college function you were at least legal.”
    “I will be in a few months, but if you don’t want to wait I totally understand.” But I wanted to be with Trey now. Throughout
     this whole episode with Chandler we hadn’t been intimate, and seeing him looking so sexy, I definitely wanted our relationship
     to continue.
    “Well, what do you want to do?” he asked, sounding the same way I felt.
    “It’s up to you.” When he reached over and began kissing me and rubbing his hand on my breast, I knew it meant the waitingwasn’t necessary. Luckily my parents weren’t home, because Trey and I immediately started catching up on lost time. From that
     day forward Trey and I were boyfriend and girlfriend.
    In the beginning everything was new and exciting. I had never been with a guy like Trey before. He came into my life at a
     point when school, my friends, and my life in general were boring to me. He was like a head rush, and it was very addictive.
     We were glued at the hip. Most days I would hang out with him on the Clark Atlanta campus. Although I had only a learner’s
     permit, my parents had gotten me a car, and I would drive myself to and from school. Whenever possible, I skipped classes
     to be with Trey. Hanging with him was more interesting than anything they were teaching me at school. To this day I still
     wonder how I was able to make decent grades and graduate. I even dropped out of the drama club. Although I still dreamed of
     being an actress someday, meeting four days a week for rehearsals interfered with my blossoming relationship with Trey.
    On the rare occasion when Mother had time for me, we went to the Ritz-Carlton for Sunday brunch. Ever since I found out Daddy
     was physically abusive toward Mother, our relationship had been strained and we rarely talked about what was going on in each
     other’s life. “So how’s Chad doing?” Mother asked, unaware we had broken up a couple of months earlier.
    “Chad and I aren’t together anymore.”
    “Oh, you’ll be back together. Did you have a little spat?”
    “No, actually, I have a new boyfriend.”
    Mother looked at me suspiciously. “New boyfriend? I haven’t met him. Does he go to your school?”
    “Actually he attends Clark University,” I said, all perky becauseI was proud to have a college boyfriend. Plus there was no need to lie and tell her he went to one of the local high schools.
     Mother knew the parents of just about all the students that she felt came from respectable families.
    “He’s in college.” She paused. “Isn’t that a little old for you?”
    I lied and said he was only a freshman and had just turned eighteen.
    “Would you like to see a picture of him?” Trey had given me a college calendar, for which he had posed for the month of April.
     I had it in my tote bag and was anxious to get Mother’s reaction.
    “Sure, honey,” she said nonchalantly. I reached in my tote

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