Dead Life (Book 3)

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Book: Read Dead Life (Book 3) for Free Online
Authors: D. Harrison Schleicher
Tags: Zombies
You already know most of the story. If you're going to be my aide it's time you got the whole story.”
                  “Yes sir.” Great, now I was the General's personal man servant. The main screen facing General Simmons came on-line and then the rest of the monitors came on. The face of the Secretary of Defense  came into view.
                  “Gentlemen, let's get right to it.” The Secretary hesitated to let the room clear. “The infection has made the United States. Los Angeles, Seattle, New York, Boston, and Atlanta have all reported cases of the virus. The major airports in all five cities have fallen to the infection. The outbreak is spreading to the streets. Hospitals in these cities are overwhelmed with casualties.”
                  “It is almost certain the virus has spread from these five cities to other locations in the U.S. We shouldn't have brought those diplomats back from Europe. For the past three days we've screened every passenger entering the U.S. Somehow someone decided we didn't want to offend our foreign diplomats. So we didn't screen the passengers on those flights. That's how the virus got into the country.”
                  “Experts say it was inevitable. No matter what we did the virus would make it's way into our country. We were hoping for a few more days to prepare. All essential White House staff including the President and Vice-President have been moved to an aircraft carrier off the coast of Washington D.C. Our government will be run from there. As you know, your staff from the Pentagon will be arriving shortly to your location. A defense plan has been agreed upon. The specifics of which you have there.” The General nodded to me and I began handing out the packets. “Units from all branches of the service are being deployed to select cities across the country as we speak. Safe zones will be established and troops will be taking to the streets to defend our citizens.”
                  “Gentlemen, now is the time for all branches of the armed forces of the United States military to stand together. There is a part for all of us in these trying times. We can and we will work together to preserve this great nation. Gentlemen, good night.”
                  With that the screen went blank. I wondered how many bases around the country had watched the same broadcast.
                  “Captain I want you to attend to refreshments for everyone at the table. Then I want you to take the camera crew and go. Get some rest. Your day is going to start early. Our guests from the Pentagon will be arriving tomorrow.”
                  “Yes sir.  I'll make sure everyone has what they need.” I got everyone fresh drinks and placed a tray of sandwiches out for them. I hoped no one saw me take one of the information packets when I left.
                  The Colonel's driver was waiting for me when I got outside the building. He took me to the barracks where the rest of my unit was billeted. I went to my room and got the sat phone from my rucksack. It was going to be risky but I was going to have to call my dad from the base. I went outside the barracks and called Dad. There wasn't much to add to what I'd already told him. Most important  was that the virus was already in the country. I told him some of what was going on in India and advised him again to get out of the city. I was glad to hear Dad had found someone to help him. The guy was ex-military and already knew what was going on. I felt better about Dad's chances of survival. We said our good-byes and I went back to my room.
                  Before going to bed, I read the information pack from the meeting. I should have read it before I'd called Dad.

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