Cross Roads: Pick a Path
bright. Initially I thought moving in was going to be a
hassle, but with the help of the movers the job was a lot easier
than expected. By the time midnight struck I was already settled
in; the new appliances were in, furniture in place, and me oh my,
my brand new TV had me confused if I could love Hasini the

    It was pretty late in the night when I
stepped on to the balcony with my cup of coffee. Placing a
cigarette between my lips, I had seen the best of both worlds. My
condo was placed in an angle; so when I look to my left I have a
beautiful view of the calm lake, resting easy with its roots, and
no destruction by men. Towards the right was the view of buildings
towering over one another; it’s weird that mankind usually destroys
the planet, yet they can make a city of lights seem just as

    Though the city lights were marvelous, I
stuck to what the Earth had to offer. The time 3:23am, glancing
over the admirable water, with the combination of coffee and a
cigarette, I was left thinking of the new journey I will embark on
with my beautiful fiancée.

    Hasini was not going to know about my
surprise for her till the morning, and seeing how she probably
would not even call this late into the night I should probably


    I was only asleep for a few hours before I
started receiving an abundant of calls. They were from an
unfamiliar number, so I ignored it. It continued. Though after some
time I was not able to deal with the annoyance, nor was I able to
sleep. However when I answered the call I was immediately placed to
shock, it was from a Staff Sargent John Collins.

    “ Hey Arrun, this is Staff Sargent John
Collins calling. I hate to be the one to break it to you but there
has been an accident. We were able to retrieve a phone from the
scene, with a number last dialed to you. Do you know a Hasini

    “Yes! Officer she’s my fiancée! Is she okay?
Where is she?” I inquired, already thinking the worst.

    “ Arrun, I need you to remain quiet for a
brief moment and hear what I have to say. Sometime last night,
possibly early in the morning Hasini’s car crashed into the barrier
of a bridge, eventually submerging under water. Hasini seemed to
have sustained serious trauma to the head, and suffocation from
being trapped under water. My apologies Arrun, but we were too
late. By the time we came to know of the incident, Hasini had
already passed. We currently transported her body to St.Micheals
Hospital and would like for you to come there, so we can speak in
further detail.”

    “Arrun! Arrun? Are you there?” called out
the officer.

    No, it isn’t possible. It has to be a sick,
cruel joke right? My body felt numb, my phone surged to the ground,
and I dropped to my knees. It was hard trying to gain breath, I did
not want believe it. I didn’t believe it; I rushed to St.Micheals
Hospital, the whole time praying for that phone call to be a prank.
Walking through the emergency doors, a cold chill devoured my body.
I never felt this fear before, I wondered if anything can scare me

    I never liked the environment of hospitals,
a place of life and death; a hospital is the perfect explanation of
what lays between heaven and hell. There were strangers everywhere,
some mourning a loss, some in queue for death and life, and some
celebrating new arrivals. Then there was me, torn in confusion;
hoping for something that probably just won’t go my why. Receiving
a light tap on my shoulder, I turned to an officer.

    “ Officer, don’t say it. Please, I beg
you! What the fuck are you doing! This isn’t funny; this is a
sick-fucking joke isn’t it! Officer, I can’t take it, please just
tell me it’s a lie. Please! Of course it’s a lie, I mean I was
going to surprise her today. I bought a beautiful condo, we were
going to marry and start a beautiful life together. She can’t be
gone, she just can’t. You’re lying! Tell me she’s there behind
those doors, with her beautiful

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