Couples Who Kill

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Book: Read Couples Who Kill for Free Online
Authors: Carol Anne Davis
Tags: True Crime
Brown’s death sentences to life imprisonment in 1991 saying that she was retarded and had been under Coleman’s spell.
    Moments before the Vernita Wheat trial started in January 1987, Debra signed a legal document saying that she was now Alton’s common law wife and he immediately reciprocated. He was subsequently found guilty of Vernita’s kidnapping and murder and sentenced to death.
    They weren’t tried for all eight murders as prosecutors decided to concentrate on the cases with the most damning evidence and those in states which still had the death penalty.
    In 1997 Debra Brown launched an appeal to get her Indiana death sentence overturned. Predictably, her cause was picked up by the feminist movement who believe shemurdered eight people solely because she feared her man. But she had relatives who cared for her so wasn’t completely dependent on him – and her own testimony in court suggests she enjoyed terrorising their victims, killing two of them and forcing at least one child to give her oral sex.
    Throughout the Eighties and Nineties, Alton Coleman worked his way through the appeals process but on 26th April 2002 he entered the execution chamber at the Southern Ohio Correctional Facility. He asked to speak to Debra Brown but this request was refused. One of his sisters spoke to him on the telephone as his execution neared but none of his relatives were present at the prison.
    So many survivors and relatives of his victims wanted to watch him being put to death that closed-circuit television had to be installed in an ante room. But, one of the survivors who got to view his death in person was Harry Waters who was accompanied by two of his son- in-laws . Mr Waters had watched his forty-four-year-old wife being bludgeoned to death by the couple – and his own head injuries have left him permanently disabled, with fragments of bone lodged in his brain.
    The witnesses watched as the forty-six-year-old serial killer was strapped down and began reciting the 23rd Psalm. At 10am the lethal cocktail of drugs was administered and at 10.13 he was pronounced dead.
    Meanwhile, the nine-year-old who was beaten and sexually assaulted by Coleman & Brown still has nightmares and appalling headaches. The traumatic experiences have left her unable to trust anyone, and oneof her close relatives has since attempted suicide. Anti-death-penalty supporters continue to champion Debra Brown who is currently the only woman on Death Row at the Ohio Reformatory For Women.

    Los Angeles women lived in fear after twenty-six-year-old Kenneth Bianchi moved in with his forty-four-year-old cousin Angelo Buono. Within a five month period – October 1977 to February 1978 – they would torture, sexually assault and kill ten women. Then Bianchi moved a thousand miles away and killed another two girls…
Kenneth Alessio Bianchi
    Ken was born in New York on 22nd May 1951 to a teenage mother of limited intelligence and to a twenty-four- year-old father. The girl had had a very unhappy life in the juvenile care system and was a very heavy drinker. Whilst pregnant, she married a soldier who was not the father of her unborn child – and when he found out, he wanted nothing to do with the impending birth. She then set her sights on a much older man and tried to ignore her pregnancy.
    Ken was a breech birth who came into the world weighing six pounds four ounces. For the first few weeks of his life his mother left him in the care of a neighbour, but the neighbour didn’t want him. She, in turn, began to hand him on to other neighbours for the day. He was fed and changed but rarely held or spoken to – and such early deprivation can affect a growing child’s brain, making it hard for him to bond with genuine carers at a later date.
    By now a local childless couple called Frances and Nicholas Bianchi had become aware of the baby’s plight. Frances had had a hysterectomy (consequently at the

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