Claimed by Her Alpha

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Book: Read Claimed by Her Alpha for Free Online
Authors: Alex Anders
classes get mixed. So I just figured that it could have happened by chance.”
    “I would say that’s a very small chance. Do you think it’s also chance that Mr. DeMarco is our homeroom teacher?”
    “Mr. DeMarco isn’t a wolf if that’s what you’re getting at,” Lane clarified.
    “How do you know?”
    “Because I would be able to smell him. You would, too.”
    Saki remained silent as she considered Lane‘s point. He was right. She seemed to be able to smell any wolf.
    “But, what if… What if he’s not a wolf? What if he’s a shifter? And, what if he hasn’t shifted in a long time? Would we still be able to smell him then?”
    “Yeah. Wouldn’t we?”
    “You’re the expert,” Saki said cajolingly.
    “I’m not an expert.”
    “But maybe Mr. DeMarco is.”
    “So, what are you going to do? Go up to Mr. DeMarco and ask him if he knows what a shifter’s weakness is?” He asked, disbelieving.
    “Well, good luck with that.”
    “Will you help me?”
    “Question Mr. DeMarco?”
    “No, take back the island. I can’t change in a cage. I can’t go through that again. If it means killing Dax, then that’s what I’ll do.”
    “I’ll help you take back the island.”
    “Dax is expecting me to leave with him in 13 days. We have that long to set up a plan. Otherwise, I have to go with him, and I don’t know when he will let me back.”
    Saki buried her face into Lane‘s chest. “I don’t want to go there without you.”
    Lane held her tightly. “You won’t have to. We’ll take it back.”
    “You’ll do whatever it takes?”
    Lane raced through the possibilities in his head. “Whatever it takes.”
    Saki smiled and reached up to kiss Lane again. “Then I’ll talk to Mr. DeMarco tomorrow.”
    Chapter 5
    Before Saki left Lane’s bed, they talked about the safest route out. If she were really being followed in the bushes, then she should exit through the front. If Dax was watching the humane society but hadn’t seen her enter, he would be watching the front.
    In the end, Saki exited through the back, then took the opposite path through the bushes. She stopped every few seconds and sniffed. Each time, she smelled nothing. When she exited the bush a few houses away from the Fish Fry, she’s felt sure no one had seen her. If Dax was waiting for her, he wouldn’t be able to tell where she had just come from.
    The next day at school, things where smoother for Saki. She knew where she was supposed to sit, and she knew what her end goal was. With all of that set, she was free to pay attention during class. She had forgotten how much she enjoyed learning. She fantasized about a time when all of this mess would be behind her, and she could go back to being the person she used to be. Maybe not exactly the same person but something similar.
    “Should I pick you up from the Fish Fry?” Gully asked, about to exit homeroom for the day.
    “Yeah, I’ll be there.”
    Gathering his bag, Gully slowed down, waiting for Saki.
    “You don’t have to wait for me. I have to do some stuff before I go,” Saki offered.
    “Okay. I’ll see you later.”
    Saki watched as Gully and the boys left. Slowly packing and unpacking her bag, she glanced at Lane as he and his pack exited. The two made eye contact but only for a moment.
    Saki began to wonder if her plan would succeed when Tim, one of Mr. DeMarco‘s favorites, returned to the classroom with a container full of water and a sponge. Saki packed her bags for the last time and slowly meandered out.
    Dejected, she headed to her locker and took out the books she would need for the night. She took her time, hoping it would be enough for Tim to do his classroom duties and for her to get back in before Mr. DeMarco locked up. She hung out in a doorway, watching Mr. DeMarco’s door.
    Beginning to lose hope, she looked around to see who else was around. The space between the rows of classrooms was empty, and the metal shutters of the rooms in

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