Chasing Rainbows

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Book: Read Chasing Rainbows for Free Online
Authors: Amber Moon
as he had this habit of warning the women off. Chris had so many times before, scuppered Doug's plans.
    Doug knew Chris meant well but wished that he would mind his own business.
    Chris did not like the way Doug picked women up and then dropped them; Doug's disloyalty to his marriage and his mistress always on display.
    Doug gave Chris a knowing look as he asked, “Olivia have you been avoiding me and is it not time for that dance?”
    Olivia smiled up at him. She should not have done that as it sent a shiver down his spine and he knew he would have her, however long it took.
    Olivia declined, saying “ Look Doug, half my village are here and it would not be the right thing to do, to be seen dancing with you, you know how people can get the wrong idea and tongues will wag, sorry”.
    Disappointment showing in his face he continued, “ Come on , we have worked hard for weeks and what harm can one dance do?”
    There was a silence that seemed to last forever as Olivia, began to wistfully look around.
    “ Oh what the hell!!” she said as a mischievous grin lit up her face, she grabbed his hand and pulled him on to the dance floor.
    “ Oh my”, Doug sighed feeling as though he was dead and in heaven now.
    This woman could dance. Not only could she move her body in disturbing ways, but she could talk at the same time.
    He asked himself, “Did she ever stop talking?”.
    Without warning the music slowed and as the words “We've got tonight, who needs tomorrow” slowly wafted towards them, Doug impulsively drew Olivia to him.
    She stiffened, only for a moment and stopped talking. This moment of first bodily contact would stay with him forever.
    Doug held her tightly, not too tightly as to scare her off. His fingers spread across the small of her back pulling her pelvis towards him.
    He could feel her breathing gently into his neck, he could smell the heady aroma of her perfume as she began to get warmer.
    Lost in time and music he felt her breasts firm against his chest, gently rising as she moved in time to the music, allowing his body to lead her.
    There were no words to describe the feeling now crushing his maleness.
    Only a satisfaction accompanied by a “wow!” which wasn't really a word but more of a sound.
    Doug whispered to her, “Can I see you sometime?” not expecting the sharp “No” that followed.
    Stung by the retort, Doug pulled her closer and as they continued to dance he became more and more hooked into the rhythm that was her body, her sensuality. He began to feel something unknown, he was not sure what it was.
    One thing he was sure about, he was living in the moment. She was that moment. Olivia made it clear by the 'No', there would be no other moments.
    As 'love is love, by Culture Club ended, Doug thanked Olivia for the dance and walked her to the bar where he ordered some drinks.
    He wondered if a few drinks might break her resistance. He remembered that she was driving so probably was not the best idea he ever had.
    A few moments later Olivia excused herself as there was an incident at the main door and she was needed.
    Olivia returned, she was rather shaken and looking distressed. Seemingly an admirer of hers was trying to get in to the club.
    He was inappropriately dressed for the occasion and the bouncers were not letting him in.
    Olivia took a drink and said, “I don't know what to do, it's Simon Arthur, someone from the charity that has sort of been in love with me for while. He has driven up from Sheffield and will not go away. I have had terrible problems and the family think it is really funny. He will me up at home and he sings Bob Dylan songs down the phone to me,”
    Doug turned away to hide a smile. Doug asked her how she knew Simon.
    She told him, he was someone who needed support and the charity helped him. “Well actually it was me who helped him and now he seems to have some sort of fixation on me” she said taking another drink.
    Olivia went on to explain that Simon was

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