Book Boyfriend (Someday #5)

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Book: Read Book Boyfriend (Someday #5) for Free Online
Authors: Melanie Shawn
side, almost imperceptibly pressing her face into my hand, I knew I was getting through to her—even if it was just a little bit. So I pressed on.
    “Now, I’ll grant you this: Girls like you don’t usually end up with guys like me. But that doesn’t make one tiny bit of difference to our situation. You know why? Because I’m not ‘guys like me.’ I’m just me. And you’re not ‘girls like you.’ You’re just you. And ‘just me’ thinks ‘just you’ is pretty damn spectacular.”
    She opened her eyes and pleadingly looked into mine. “But that’s the thing. That’s my question. Why? Why do you think that? I’m being serious!”
    I nodded. Insecurity simmered behind her eyes, making her vulnerable. She had never shown me that side before, and I was willing to bet that she rarely showed anyone that side. It broke my heart and made me want to protect her from anything or anyone who might hurt her. I needed her to know that, as long as I was around, no one would ever have the chance. They’d have to go through me first.
    I dropped my default teasing tone. “All right, then. A serious question deserves a serious response. Reasons Why I Like Michelle: Part One. Note: The creator of this list reserves the right to add to it on a daily, if not hourly, basis. Number one: the most unpredictable damn things come out of your mouth. Ninety-nine percent of the world is as predictable as if they were reading a script, but you are one of a kind. And it gives me an actual physical craving, like a hunger, to know what the next thing you’re gonna say will be that absolutely knocks my socks off.
    “Number two: I’ve never seen anyone light up about anything the way you light up when you talk about books. The way your eyes spark with fire from inside when you recommend a story to somebody in the library or even just talk about what you’re reading to someone when we’re in class. Your skin glows with it. You’re so alive at that moment that it makes me feel more alive just to see it.
    “Number three: well, damn. I was about to talk about how gorgeous your eyes are, but then I thought…no, her dimples are my favorite feature. But the thought of your dimples brought to mind your smile, and of course, then I thought that was my favorite. But, just as I was about to settle on your smile, I remembered your long, graceful fingers and how, every time I look at them, all I can think about is you touching me and what that would feel like and look like. That, of course, made me realize I hadn’t added all of your, shall we say, sexier parts to the list of my favorite attributes. So, now, I’m realizing I should just go with…number three: you are one helluva beautiful woman, and I’d be honored to have you by my side.” I gave her my best devilish smile. “Or in my bed.
    “Number four—”
    I never got a chance to tell her what number four—or any of the rest of the numbers up into the thousands—were. She stopped me by pressing her lips against mine and kissing me in a desperate frenzy, those beautiful, elegant fingers buried in my hair. And, before too long, I couldn’t even formulate that list anymore if I’d been asked to. It flew right out of my brain.
    That wasn’t important though. The only thing that mattered was that it was still written in my heart, and nothing could ever change that.

Chapter 10
    “S o, holy shit. You’ve been talking to Sebastian Winters!” Sandy burst out before I had even fully walked through their door.
    Wow. Welcome to ATB.
    “Damn, Sandy. At least let her set her books down before you pounce,” their roommate, Cat, laughed as she cleared a place on her desk for me to set my messenger bag.
    “I honestly don’t know why you persist in the fiction that we are actually going to study here by lugging that heavy messenger bag to our room every time you come over,” their fourth roommate, Evelyn, dryly observed. “At this point, we don’t really need to pretend that

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