Blurring the Lines (Men of the Zodiac)

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Book: Read Blurring the Lines (Men of the Zodiac) for Free Online
Authors: Marisa Cleveland
of her heels, he could think of a million things he’d rather have her do than work for him for a year.
    The line went dead and Blake frowned, on the verge of calling back his brother when he eyed Kira standing in his doorway. The woman was downright distracting.
    She held her hands behind her, and his gaze landed on her chest. He closed his eyes. Maybe because they’d met under unusual circumstances, he had difficulty classifying her as an employee. His secretary.
    With a shy but playful grin, she said, “Sorry to interrupt, but you said to just walk in.”
    He looked at the receiver, couldn’t remember whom he was trying to call, and replaced it in the cradle. After clearing his throat, he gestured for her to take the chair opposite his desk. “Yes. Of course.”
    As she advanced into the room, she unbuttoned her blazer. “I’m a little warm. Mind if I take this off so I don’t get hot?”
Hot. Had she heard what he’d said to his brother? If she was trying to get a reaction out of him, it wouldn’t work. Over the years, he’d perfected the poker face . He shrugged. “Whatever makes you comfortable.”
    “Thank you.”
    She slid out of the blazer, and though the sundress certainly could be considered modest at the neckline, her bare shoulders covered with thin spaghetti straps caught his attention. She gave the jacket a gentle shake then folded it, and he breathed in a whiff of sweet perfume. The temperature in the room rose a thousand degrees, and he resisted the urge to loosen his tie. Other employees had tried to distract him, but none had ever succeeded. In a matter of minutes, Kira had managed to wiggle her way into the front of his thoughts. It stunned him.
    He just had to keep reminding himself she was here because she wanted something from him, so she really was no different than any other woman who had breezed through his life.
    He went on the offensive to ground himself. “I noticed you had difficulty answering the phone. I’ll ask Darcy, my brother’s assistant, to train you. I know the multiple lines might seem complicated, but I’m sure you won’t have any trouble once you grasp the basics.”

    H er boss thought she was an idiot.
    As if overhearing him say she wasn’t hot hadn’t been enough of a blow to her ego, the sincerity in his expression about having someone train her on how to use a phone hit the point home. It seemed like he really meant it when he said multiple lines might be complicated, and if she hadn’t been embarrassed about having her skirt catch on the under-desk drawer earlier, she probably would have hit the right line and answered correctly the first time. But she’d felt the breeze, and as soon as she saw his face, she knew she’d flashed him.
    “I’m sure I can figure it out.”
    “Someone from IT should be by in about an hour to show you our computer system. Maybe that’s a good time for Darcy to train you on the phones and email. She can also take you to the inventory room for supplies. I don’t suppose you brought a notepad and pen in here with you?”
Kira opened her mouth, but the phone rang again. Without hesitating, she hopped up and skipped around to Blake’s side of the desk. This time she pushed the flashing button before she said, “Blake Whitman’s office. How may I assist you?”
    “This is Keith. Is this Kira?”
    “Yes, Keith. Would you like to hold for Blake?” She turned to him, and her thoughts stalled when she saw how close to him she actually stood, and how his gaze seemed to be riveted on her feet. She sidestepped and his head moved just slightly. Yup. The guy was a shoe man.
    “Sir?” She wiggled the phone in front of him. “Keith is on the line for you.”
    “My brother. I’ll introduce you.” He took the phone. “I thought you’d be in here by now.” Then he hung up and pointed to the open door. “Wait for it.”
    She continued to stand on his side of the desk and looked out into the open space. The door at the opposite

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