Baby Did a Bad Bad Thing (Hautboy Series Book 3)

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Book: Read Baby Did a Bad Bad Thing (Hautboy Series Book 3) for Free Online
Authors: Anne Berkeley
beside me.  “Big brothers…you know…”
    “I respect that.  He’s looking out for you,” Marshall replied.  “Besides, we probably set off alarm signals when he saw us pulling up.  Must’ve looked pretty shady—two black SUVs with tinted windows.”
    “We all didn’t need to get out of the car either,” Shane Richardson—the band’s drummer—added.  The brunette smiled wryly, glancing askance.
    “Is that why you got out of the car?”
    “You think I’m about to let you run off alone like Wonder Woman into God knows what kind of situation?”
    “I had to stop Marshall.”  As if she needed to explain something, she turned to me.  “Marshall’s made it his personal mission to be the anointed rescuer of women in distress.”
    “I thought your ex was up there,” Marshall said in defense.  “It was my fault.  I jumped to conclusions.”
    “If it’s any consolation, I’d need rescuing from my brothers before I ever need rescuing from Henry,” I dismissed.  “They can be overbearing and tend to overreact.”
    Marshall made a gruff noise and stopped beside the rear door of the Escalade.  “Careful now.  Big step.”
    I peered inside the cab.  Jake was already seated on the farther side, behind the driver.  Carter was seated in the third row, and looking unhappy about it.  As I stepped onto the running board, Peter’s phone vibrated in my hand.  I took a quick glance.  It was from Pax.
    “ I’m warning you.  Don’t get into that truck .”
    I swiped the screen and dropped into the rear passenger seat.  Marshall pushed the door closed and climbed into the seat in front of me.  The rest of the group headed to the other truck.
    “Don’t look so scared.”  I glanced at Jake, who was holding his hand out.  “Name’s Jake.”
    “Paisley,” I said, taking his hand.  He squeezed my hand in a firm grip and let go.  I think I might’ve swooned for a moment.  The temperature in the cab rose a few degrees.
    “That’s Carter,” Jake continued.  “Marshall, you know.  And that’s Taylor behind the wheel.”  Taylor was the third bodyguard.  He was blond and lean, and wasn’t one for words.  He simply nodded his head.
    “Nice to meet you.”  I sounded so lame.
    “You can bring your brother along if you’d feel more comfortable,” Jake pressed.  “It’s cool.”
    “No, it’s not cool at all,” I replied hastily.  Paging through Peter’s phone, I tried to navigate my way through the menus.  “Not that I’m going to have a choice if I can’t shut off location services on this thing.”
    Carter leaned forward and extended his hand over the seat.  “Give it here.”  I pressed the phone into his palm.  He sat back and went to work, punching at the screen with certain relish.
    “Would they really track you down like that?” Jake inquired.
    “Peter wouldn’t, but Pax would.”
    “For real?” Carter observed with amusement.  “Do all your names start with P?”
    I closed my eyes and searched for inner strength.  “Yeah.”  My mother was such a dweeb.
    “No shit.  How many brothers and sisters do you have?”
    “No.  Fucking.  Way.”  Carter sat forward in the seat and handed me back my phone.  Well, Peter’s phone.  “Name them all.”
    Taking the phone from his hand, I sighed deeply.  “In chronological order—Pax, Peter, Paisley, Powell, Paul, Patrick, Parker, Paige, Phillip, Preston, Peyton, Piper, and Perry.”
    “That’s insane !”  As would anyone who’d never met the Shaws before, Carter Strickland smiled widely and laughed, amused over my mother’s genius naming skills.  I sank down in the seat a few inches and stared out the window.
    “That’s like the Meyers,” Jake added.  “There was six of them.  All girls.  All their names had Anne in them.  Julianne, Luanne, Bethanne, Georgeanne…I don’t remember the last two.”
    I forced smile.  Lord, just kill me now.  Was I really discussing the

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