A Gentlewoman's Dalliance

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Book: Read A Gentlewoman's Dalliance for Free Online
Authors: Portia Da Costa
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Short Stories (Single Author)
wife. With the greatest of pleasure.”
    Once more, her husband attacked the fastening of his trousers. This time he managed to reveal himself without sending any flying to the four corners of the room, but there was more hastiness than elegance in the exposure. Within a few seconds he had his member in his hand and was guiding it toward the heart of the matter.
    Mary wriggled even closer to him, even though the action made her hiss between her teeth. The discomfort of her spanking and the intensity of her desire were balanced as on a seesaw or a knife edge, but her lust for Leonard was coming out the clear winner.
    â€œOh…oh, yes, my love,” she sighed as he presented the thick, warm crown of his cock to her entrance. Astonishingly, he seemed bigger and hotter than ever before, and as he pushed in, it was an effort, and he stretched her. Dropping her haunches around his hips, she grabbed hold of the panels of his embroidered waistcoat, and hauled herself toward him, and him toward her, to bring them closer.
    By her efforts and his own, they meshed their bodies, Leonard pushing in, deeper than deep, invading her thoroughly. She could almost imagine he was touching her very heart.
    For several long moments, they rested still, just as they were, completely joined, the world collapsed only to the awareness of their nested genitals and the hot glow in Mary’s hind parts that warmed them both somehow. Passion was in the stillness, yet was also energetic, like a pan of rich liquid on a hob, warming and warming and warming but not yet in motion, not yet simmering or boiling.
    But when she looked up into Leonard’s eyes, the bubbles of pleasure began to stir, and with them the kinetic urge to rock and wriggle and clench herself around him. And with that returned her awareness of their surroundings, and the stranger who was watching from the nearby chesterfield.
    As Leonard started to thrust in a long, deep rhythm, Mary arched her body, leaning right back against the top of the desk and lifting her hips to meet him. She gripped hard on to the mahogany edge to give her purchase, aware that the action lifted her breasts to greater prominence. More exposed than ever, her nipples ached for attention, and as her husband was holding her hips, in order to control the way he swived her, it was to their guest that Mary found herself inclining.
    Her eyes engaged with Benedict’s and she passed her tongue across her lower lip, then rolled her shoulders. She didn’t say, Come to me… but it seemed she didn’t need to. Tall and dark, he rose from the chesterfield and crossed the room.
    Mary captured Leonard’s gaze, and gave him a wink and a creamy smile. Then closing her eyes, she surrendered to pleasure, and sensation…and the attentions of two very fine men.
    Leonard continued fucking her, and even though she could no longer see him, she could feel the absolute focus of his efforts. Holding her tight, he thrust and shoved, his strokes sometimes long and slow, other times short and rough; and the way he swiveled his hips and rocked made her closed eyes cross. Despite their years together, he was revealing new zones of pleasure.
    Benedict used his hands, and he was as clever at creating delight as he was with pain.
    Cool fingertips explored her breasts, searching and tantalizing, traveling as lightly at first upon her as a feather. Mary flexed her spine, lifting her rib cage to encourage him. She wanted more from him, more pressure and a harder, wilder handling. No delicate bloom she, she wanted a rough and ready experience—everything rich, unfettered, savage even. A testing to her limits and perhaps beyond.
    â€œMore…more…” she urged, straining her body toward her two lovers with every sinew.
    Leonard surged into her with yet more vigor. Benedict squeezed her breasts, molding her full curves, teasing and pinching her nipples and plaguing them

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